So number two is due in 55 days (eight weeks) and I am trying to get sorted, making lists of lists of to do’s to buy’s to ask for advice on etc. I spent this morning with a friend who is due only the day after me with her first baby so was sharing what I know and helping her compile lists with the help of my diary/notebook from first time round and found a list of parenting and baby clubs to get free stuff, samples and vouchers. Having advised both my friend, and myself, to register for these I thought it would be helpful for others to post them up and share the freebie opportunities. Please if you are reading this post and have additions please feel free to include comments with them – the more the merrier and all that!
So if you’re expecting a baby and you need to “get in the zone” – there is loads of free stuff and vouchers out there, those giving them out just need to know you’re “in the club”! So join up to the parenting and baby clubs:
Boots parenting club , Tesco Baby Club , Hipp Organic, Pampers, Huggies , Early Learning Centre and Bounty
One last sneaky tip is to also get the Grandma’s to be or another pal to join too using her name & address but with your due dates to get double the booty for you! Right there you go gals I’m off to do some signing up now of my own – hope you’re having a great day!
Claire x
P.s. Mummy Tips has a great post about where to get baby vouchers too, here’s the link (update on 26th August 2009)