Short formal notice but quite a few of us have talked about it since before Christmas and it appears it is REALLY is going to happen (weather permitting!!!) – The Great North Tweet-up (everyone invited!). Ok, ok… so sounds like it’s going to be ‘pumping’ when in fact its going to be coffee but hey, who knows it may well end up that way! One things for sure you won’t find out unless you’re there in person!
I’ll stop now before I get too excited and get back to reality…..
What? Tweet-up (that’s a meet-up for those that Tweet)
When? Tuesday 12th January 2010 from 10am
Where? Caffe Latte – Handforth, Cheshire
Who? Open to Everyone!!! (child friendly – see link)
CONFIRMED: @sarahwalters99 @clairelancaster @jordanfleet @lovematernity
Hope to see you there!!! Post any questions here or DM @sarahwalters99 or @clairelancaster
ANY UPDATES WILL BE POSTED ON HERE & TWITTER SO CHECK BEFORE YOU TRAVEL (who knows whether we shall have more snow etc.)