Just a quick update from Lancaster Towers and I shall cut to the chase.  I am solo with my two little creatures for at least 5 five weeks full time, including weekends and yes pre-school is out!  So yep that’s a 24hr x 7day x 5week = 840 hour / 35 day shift. 

It’s cool I have a plan, a spreadsheet no less!  I have this for the entire 7 weeks of the summer break through to and including the first week back at pre-school.

Ok I know its anal but I am solo for 5 weeks!

The above planning means my days are sorted, I also have a couple of days working which I am really looking forward to.  Evenings can be a bit “samey” and whilst I am more than capable of whiling away night after night on Twitter *coughs 14,600 tweets* and amongst my favourite blogs I have decided to host a weekly “girlie movie stay-in-ival” like a carnival / festival but without a field and with proper toilets!   So I have a couple of girlie pals coming over to mine to watch a movie drink wine and eat chocolate – cool, huh? 

Slight problem though… after Toy Story 3 (which I saw on Sunday and rocks more than the word ROCKS suggests, you just HAVE to see it!) and Sex in the City 2 I have no idea what to watch – HELP!  I have a copy if “Its Complicated” which is where we will start next week but then what?  I asked my girlies and like me they are trapped in mummy-ville and are half a decade out of touch!  Suggestions via my Twitter-ati (love you guys *waves*) so far include:

Valentines Day
Mamma Mia
Paranormal Activity
How to lose a guy in 10 days
Dirty Dancing
Four weddings and a funeral
The Notebook
What women want
Devil Wears Prada
Men Who Stare at Goats

Can you help and a comment with your movie faves, thoughts and recommendations, thanks so much!
Lots of love, Claire x