Christmas 2011 is done. The last tasks of Christmas are the first of 2012: take down and pack away decorations – I miss the twinkly fairy lights already. Write thank you cards for the many gifts that have been unwrapped and enjoyed over the last few weeks.

Thank you notes have been drummed into me literally from birth – I know my mum sent them on my behalf until I was old enough to write my name and then the notes myself. I send many more gifts to children than I receive thank you notes for, the thank you’s I do receive I am delighted by. Writing them is a tradition I’m passing on to my children. In my book it’s courteous to thank those who’ve sent you gifts, especially if you haven’t seen the giver to thank them in person.

I struggled this year to stay on top of what was from who this year as the wrapping paper flew I have to be honest! This year I have used a great photo of Lil H and Diva G meeting Father Christmas to make postcards to say thank you to family and friends. Am I alone in my love of the traditional thank you note? Is snail mail out of date in 2012? What do you think?
