My top gripe is definitely wet towels on the floor, Mr L, I am looking directly at you!  I am no domestic goddess, my four year old daughter sports what was her Dads cashmere jumper which is now a rather “felty” sweater to preschool and when it comes to cleaning I am a fan of outsourcing for excellence.  See what I did there?  Throw money at the problem!  Sadly I have very little spare cash these days as we are in big saving mode for the house build, being honest that isn’t going too well either!  I say stick to what you are good at.   Me?  I am good at marketing and social media and this infographic is one I created with the team for my client Betta Living and I wanted to share it here, if you want to share it too I would love that!

So I ask you – when it comes to chores what do you row about?

Top 10 Household Chores That Cause The Most Arguments
Infographic authored by To view the original post, see
Top 10 Household Chores That Cause The Most Arguments