Affordable Childcare for All
Any working family knows the emotional and financial cost of juggling life with childcare and the associated costs. This post is a call for support from people in Cheshire and the North West from Save the Children. They are launching a campaign about the cost of childcare this Thursday 8th September.
Responsibility for this falls under the remit of George Osborne, my very own MP and yours too if you live in Tatton. To highlight the importance of this issue a photo will be taken outside George Osborne’s constituency office in Knutsford.
Tatton Conservative Office
Manchester Road
Cheshire. WA16 0LT
The request is for people to arrive at 11.45am for the photos to be taken at 12 noon. This will be a holding up placards that say ‘Make Work Pay’ & ‘Childcare Costs Jobs’ and the photos will help raise the profile of the issues and the campaign in local press.
Ironically / to illustrate the point, I can’t make it as have to work Thursday as it is the only day my mum can look after Baby G but I wanted to help spread the word. There is no doubt the high and raising cost of childcare is preventing many families from earning enough to raise a family and some parents are even considering giving up their job. Hope some of you can make it.
Here’s a link to the action Save the Children promoting as well
Demand the chancellor gives families proper childcare support
11:45am – Thursday 8th September – Tatton Conservative Office, WA16 0LT