A few weeks back Lil’ H had a movie night. The excitement was building daily in advance of the actual event, I’d suggested he had some buddies over to play eat pizza, watch a movie. I kind of forgot he and they were 4-5 years old so had never done anything like this and started to feel a bit under pressure to do something amazing *gulp*. Everyday, is it today? No, a few more sleeps. As the pressure mounted I thought I’d see if this blogging lark could save my ass and I asked one of my fave PR’s if they had anything suitable that Lil H and band of merry men could put through its paces? He was a PR superhero as he had HEXBUGS. Lil H had one which hasn’t been seen since the house move. Perfect! I was relieved. I was certain they would like them.
The day arrived, every time the door bell rang and another “mate from school” arrived – the excitement grew and grew eventually reaching fever pitch and staying there. All. Night. Order of service was a good check out of Lil H’s bedroom, new toys examined and played with, apparently random charging about whilst screaming mostly up and down the stairs and eventually I was able to lure the 4 and 5 year old boys into the kitchen with the promise of pizza and the the Rio [DVD] movie. Rio is great by the way if you haven’t seen it.
Pizza consumed I cracked open the HEXBUGS as a surprise – the crowd went wild! I dished them a couple each – their delight was instant because HEXBUGS are so simple, little tiny ready to go and don’t stop robot bugs. Diva G really likes hers too, at 2 yo she’s totally facinated by their movement. A bit older and they are racing, chasing, mini robots. Put them on circular platters and the races never end. A Christmas essential, great stocking filler and one that Diva G, Lil H and all his little buddies left after “the best party ever”, taking their HEXBUG in for show & tell at school and putting more on their wish lists for 25th December. But don’t take my word for it, check out some of the boys LOVING an evening with HEXBUGS.
Related links
Website: http://www.hexbug.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hexbug
Twitter: @HEXBUGUK