October is already here, which means Diva G’s birthday is right around the corner and next week she will be celebrating her 5th birthday. This year there is no big, most wished for present but there is a very big Disney Frozen theme. Here’s a sneak preview of what my little princess will be opening next week. Take a look:
- Disney Frozen Elsa Dress
- Disney Frozen Anna Dress
, Anna wig
and Anna boots
- Soft Toy Elsa Doll
and Soft Toy Anna Doll
- Leopard Print SpiritHood
- Snow Fairy Door
- Play Doh – Meal Makin’ Kitchen
- Tickets to Disney On Ice
- Autumn Leaves Lottie Doll
With Christmas just around the corner do let me know what your little girl likes that should be on Diva G’s Christmas gift list. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think.