Working out is tough, even before you’ve got yourself to the gym or started jogging on your treadmill. Finding the energy and enthusiasm to get stuck into your latest fitness regime can be challenging, and there are definitely going to be days when you skip your workout.

However, before you head to the sofa instead of the gym or reach for the snooze button, here are some handy tips that’ll help you stay motivated:

Bring a Friend

One of the best ways to make sure you attend a fitness class or go for a run is to get a friend involved. That way, you’re not just letting yourself down if you don’t do it. Knowing there’s someone waiting for you to do a workout really boosts your motivation levels, and with a little bit of competition thrown it, it can push you even further too.

Get the Kids Involved

If you’re a busy mum, finding time to exercise can be incredibly difficult, so why not get the kids involved in your fitness regime, too? Even though you won’t be able to take them to the gym, and you probably won’t be able to get them to join in with your dance video, you can find fun ways to exercise with them.

This could be heading down to the park to play football, going for a walk along the river or perhaps even kitting yourself out with a scooter so you can all experience the thrill of whizzing around. Scooters from companies like Skate Hut allow you to join the kids on their active adventures, and trust us, you’ll love it as much as they do – if not more!

Create Goals and Keep Reviewing Them

Another way to constantly push yourself is to set yourself long-term goals. One of the hardest things about exercising is trying to keep yourself motivated in the short-term in order to enjoy the benefits you’ll get over a longer period of time. After a couple of weeks it’s easy to feel as though you’re not getting anywhere but you need to stay driven and determined to start reaping the rewards of your efforts.

So, create a list of what you want to achieve and keep looking at these. You could even take pictures of yourself once a week, so you can look back and see how you’re progressing – and you might just be surprised!

Staying motivated doesn’t have to be hard, it just takes a little creativity, planning and determination to reach your future goals.