When your child outgrows their cot, and it is time to upgrade to a real bed, you may want to make some changes to their bedroom as a whole. By this point, your child will be growing regularly, reaching new stages of their life, as well as being that bit more mobile and able to explore their living space. At this point, you may have other safety aspects to consider, to ensure that they are not at risk of harm within their own bedroom, and that the space is utilised in a way that makes it seem spacious and warm.
Safe Lighting
One of the considerations you need to make when creating your child’s bedroom is the type of lighting that will be used, as well as its overall safety. Having an electrician in to check the wiring that is currently in place, or to change light fixtures, can really give you that peace of mind. In a child’s room, you want to make sure that fixtures are not low-hanging, especially if positioned over the child’s bed itself, so that they are unable to touch them. If this is a great concern to you, you might want to consider using spotlight fixtures, with bulbs from Ultra LEDs, that will sit in the ceiling itself and much further out of reach – plus LEDs do not emit high levels of heat, and are therefore a super safe option. When combined with a simple battery-operated nightlight, this can give the room the light it needs come day or night.
Placement of Breakables
There may be trinkets in your child’s bedroom that you want to be able to keep in there, whether due to them belonging to the child, or having been passed down, but do not want your child to be able to tamper with. It may no longer be feasible to keep them on windowsills or on top of drawers or dressing tables, due to your child’s increased area of reach. One solution to this issue can be the installation of floating shelves higher up on the walls. When installing these, make sure you have first assessed both the weight that needs to be held, as well as the type of wall it will be positioned on, so that you can purchase the best shelf and fittings to suit your needs.
Safety Aspects
Although your child may not be a baby any longer, some of the traditional babyproofing ideas can help to keep them safe when unsupervised in their bedroom. Items such as window restrictors, socket covers, and drawer locks can prevent harm, and stop your child from getting into anything that they are not allowed to. You can even soften the edges of furniture using special removable covers, to also limit the risk of injury in the bedroom.
Creating a child-friendly bedroom takes more than simply picking out paint colours and decorations. You also need to factor in their mobility, as well as what is in reach now and in the near future. In doing so, this space can become a safe haven for your child to both play and sleep.